Sunday, July 27, 2008

DIY Inspiration

Mathew Mead is a genius. There I said it. Go take a look at Matthew Mead Style
but after you finish here because if you click away now you will be gone for a very long time.....
I can spend outrage amounts of time just pouring through archives and reading the instructions on how to assemble, well, just about any and every picture featured on the site.
Great ideas for wedding pojects, favors, for just about any wedding theme you can think of!

{The pictures I used are all from}
Grab a cup of coffee and a notepad and settle in my friends because the ideas are superb and easy to construct based on the instructions I have seen. Store bought stuff made to look super cute. Old household items transformed into shabby chic must-haves....ugh. I could go on and on, so take a look for yourself.
Ok one more,
Wanna give away match boxes,. but don't wanna to give away matches?

In love with M.M.,


Friday, July 25, 2008

Waterlily Pond

"modern, free-spirited, exotic, adventurous, organic, nature-inspired, sexy"
waterlilly pond excerpt

amen sister.amen.

I was in a class recently with Soho Sakai and she mentioned how Natasha had an eye for color and even from her first class she knew that Natasha had a special gift. She asked if we had ever heard Waterlily Pond and I was thrilled to know that this great floral design studio in San Francisco was the same one I had bookmarked on my computer. I LOVE Waterlily Pond and wish that I could be as innovative and ambitious as Natasha is with her floral design and colors.

I could just go on and on and post her whole portfolio, it's that beautiful. She's based out of SF and if you get a chance to check out her site, it's gorgeous eye candy.


Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Run don't walk!

I have fallen in love.
This is the real thing.........I absolutely ADORE these photos, this art, that Alicia Bock has created.
I came across her Etsy shop and yay! she has a blog, Bloom,Grow, Love
Another for me to blogstalk how awesome is that? I only have about 25 I read daily...that's not a lot though right? right?

AUGH! They are gorgeous. Check her out. :)


Friday, July 18, 2008

Light Em' Up

Hi, yeah, um I *loVe*Candles in tall vases. This is a stunning picture to me because not only is it simple and beautiful, but it makes such an impact and doesn't cost a whole lot to recreate!

{Pictures via social design}


I just had to post of about the impact of lighting at a reception. I am just a huge fan of candles and think it is such a great way to add to the decor of any room. Jen actually made some wonderful soy candles for her wedding.
This was her beautiful head table. Check out my flowers :P
The soy candles she and her husband made at home using old glasses from thrift stores I want to say?
Here are some candle holders, candlebras that I found at Mocoloco Design, Add Style UK, and CocktailVibes.


In black and in clear


I love this table top. Its so simple to recreate. If you are on a budget, Marshalls always has these tall candle stands for like $6.99....I mean this can be a total DIY recreation if you are up for it.
Floral foam wreath, flowers of your choice, candle stand or low pillar.
I'm talking about $25-35 max.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Last weekend we checked out the Oakland Museum in downtown Oakland, CA. We were pleasantly surprised by how cool it was, both literally and figuratively. It was pretty toasty outside, but we were able to relax and enjoy the exhibits in nice cool temps sans AC thanks to the crafty engineering of the building. They have an exhibit right now called "The Birth of Cool" which is all about "California Art, Design, and Culture at Midcentury". They also asked local students to share their definitions of cool in the present day, and that exhibit, entitled "Cool, Remixed" is a fresh, youthful take on modern day cool.

The museum is also available for rent for special events, and after seeing the amazing terraces, I just had to tell you all about this amazing venue!

Photos are from the Oakland Museum website, rental info here

Some of the details that I found most promising:
  • you can use any licensed caterer
  • they offer parking in the garage (170 spaces) for only $55 per hour
  • there is no cost to have your caterer serve alcohol
  • and, of course, it is always good to have your money go towards supporting a good cause

For those Bay Area brides with a guest list of 150+, this is a great venue.

Till next time,


Friday, July 11, 2008

Preston Bailey{The Man}


Preston Bailey. (Photo by Matt Gillis / April 8, 2007)

I have no shame in sharing with you that I blog stalk his site. I have clicked on his site a million times and check his blog regularly. He doesn't post often but when he does it's so worth it. I am just amazed by him. I remember the first time I really saw his work for Lisa Raye's wedding. Before then I was like uh yeah, he's cool. But then I saw him in action and saw the whole set up and what it took to put on that HUGE event and I fell in love. It's been a great relationship since: he does great things and I *LovE* him.

I mean, I know if you are reading this post you are no stranger to him but I can still profess my love, no?

Centerpiece of Mokara and Vanda orchids, roses, hydrangea, and willow branches, $1,000 by Preston Bailey Design.

(Photo: Victor Schrager )
New York Weddings

go big or go home~


From his blog:

I could go on and on....this man's vision is simply amazing and inspiring. I *love* his style and love everything he creates: from the big over-the-top floral designs to the the small little touches like the way he wrapped the bottom of the vases in ti leaf to add to the aesthetic. Augh! I adore it...anyhoo-till next time!

The flower junkie,


Monday, July 7, 2008

I heart NYC

We had dinner at Tavern on the Green
They were setting up a wedding as we were having dinner and I snatched up some pictures! =)

It was soooo beautiful in there, it was like a greenhouse wedding and I wish we could have been there at night to see the lights and possibly the fireworks go off.

I just returned from a minimoon to NYC and I have about 500 pictures, hehe, I was the typical tourist snapping shots everywhere and I won't bore you with all of them but I will share these with you.

Walk this way to the alter.
How cute are these? They are from the Original Adidas Store on Wooster St. in NYC. YOU can design your own Adidas from start to finish and you can design your own Diesel jeans there as well. Aren't these perfect for a quirky couple that wants to keep things casual? Especially if you have your heart set on a big poofy dress, you can keep things comfortable and flash these bad boys for pictures and dancing. :)

Jet lagged,
