Friday, July 25, 2008

Waterlily Pond

"modern, free-spirited, exotic, adventurous, organic, nature-inspired, sexy"
waterlilly pond excerpt

amen sister.amen.

I was in a class recently with Soho Sakai and she mentioned how Natasha had an eye for color and even from her first class she knew that Natasha had a special gift. She asked if we had ever heard Waterlily Pond and I was thrilled to know that this great floral design studio in San Francisco was the same one I had bookmarked on my computer. I LOVE Waterlily Pond and wish that I could be as innovative and ambitious as Natasha is with her floral design and colors.

I could just go on and on and post her whole portfolio, it's that beautiful. She's based out of SF and if you get a chance to check out her site, it's gorgeous eye candy.


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